The Secret of Success in Life
The Law of Humanity
The Law of Humanity
Few knew the secret, or was hidden, known only millionaires, scientists and Reyes, the secret gives you everything you want, happiness, health, wealth, poverty, misery. This law, rule, all the order of the universe at every moment of your life, and things you experience. The law is the style your present and future life.
Why do you think the money from around the world is in few hands, because they know the secret.
In this world everyone has a talent or vocation, no one is as useless, if someone is considered useless, it has not found his talent, he was afraid and hid in the earth. Some have 1, 2, 3 super talented they are developed, THEN TELL ME I DO NOT HAVE NO TALENT, YOU do not worry about development, perhaps you know a book called Bible is better than calculus I II II or PC. There is a part about the talents, a talent or vocation duplicated others were afraid and buried, please read it.
For the kingdom of heaven is like a man going away, summoned his slaves and entrusted his property. To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability and then went away. And he who received five talents went and traded with them, and gained five more talents. And he that had received two gained two more.
But he that had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his master's money. After a long time the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them. And so he that had received five talents, saying: "Sir, you gave me five talents;
here, I have gained other five over them. And his master said, well, good and faithful servant, with a few things: enter thou into the joy of your master. He also that had received two talents came and said: Lord you gave me two talents: here I have gained two more talents. His master said to him also, good servant over a few have been faithful with a few things: enter thou into the joy of your master. But also who had received one talent came and said, Lord you know, you're a hard man, reaping where you did not sow and gathering where you scattered. As I was afraid, and I hid your talent in the ground, here you have what is yours.
His master said to him, wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I scattered no seed. Therefore, you should have put my money to the bankers, and had received back what is mine. Take away the talent, and give him which hath ten talents. For he that hath shall be given, and have more, and he that hath not, even what he has will be removed.
The Secret of Law of Humanity.
Why do you think the money from around the world is in few hands, because they know the secret.
In this world everyone has a talent or vocation, no one is as useless, if someone is considered useless, it has not found his talent, he was afraid and hid in the earth. Some have 1, 2, 3 super talented they are developed, THEN TELL ME I DO NOT HAVE NO TALENT, YOU do not worry about development, perhaps you know a book called Bible is better than calculus I II II or PC. There is a part about the talents, a talent or vocation duplicated others were afraid and buried, please read it.
For the kingdom of heaven is like a man going away, summoned his slaves and entrusted his property. To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability and then went away. And he who received five talents went and traded with them, and gained five more talents. And he that had received two gained two more.
But he that had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his master's money. After a long time the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them. And so he that had received five talents, saying: "Sir, you gave me five talents;
here, I have gained other five over them. And his master said, well, good and faithful servant, with a few things: enter thou into the joy of your master. He also that had received two talents came and said: Lord you gave me two talents: here I have gained two more talents. His master said to him also, good servant over a few have been faithful with a few things: enter thou into the joy of your master. But also who had received one talent came and said, Lord you know, you're a hard man, reaping where you did not sow and gathering where you scattered. As I was afraid, and I hid your talent in the ground, here you have what is yours.
His master said to him, wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I scattered no seed. Therefore, you should have put my money to the bankers, and had received back what is mine. Take away the talent, and give him which hath ten talents. For he that hath shall be given, and have more, and he that hath not, even what he has will be removed.
The Secret of Law of Humanity.
The thought of thinking like attracts like. The power of your mind. Know the law of gravity, any object with weight is pulled to the ground or surface, is a law that it complies to the letter, when you sow in the ground tomatoes, tomato reap it, but not eggs, is a law fulfilled.
And so we can cite many laws. There is a law for humanity, few know it and are successful millionaires, that is why there are few successful and many millionaire or poor or ignorant.
Many scientists and wealthy intellectuals and millionaires seeking this law to its success, understood in science came to the demonstration of this law. The law is made or is there, the man used the law to shape his life or design your life, THE LAW IS THE TOOL FOR THE SUCCESS OR FAILURE OF LIFE. Few apply this law.
Remember this phrase to change your life:
All you have or what you are in your life is because you have attracted.
You are what you think and feel
Perhaps you've attracted to images that reception with the view and this was recorded in the mind, is what you think and everything you think you attract to your life, whether for evil or good.
You know the radio or TV. how it works, transmitter receiver. The result of the transmitter and receiver is the TV sound or images, is what is shown, in our case the receiver and transmitter are the thoughts and the result we would get is the life we live (as we live, poor, rich, unhappy) .
The brain is like a receiving antenna and CB, ask when it emits the signal when you think or your mind goes into action or create thoughts when receiving, when someone else is thinking the same frequency. And as you change the frequency on the tv.
Changing the channel 1 2 3, the same way you can change the frequency by just thinking differently.
Sometimes you are surprised when they tell you I was thinking the same as you. But what has happened, both were on the same frequency of your signal, and how far you can recepcionar a signal or a signal emir. You use the law to design your life, not the law imposes on you your future. Every thought has by the law will become subject, as I said is bad or good.
IF YOU THINK GOOD THINGS GOOD THINGS IF YOU THINK attract bad things will attract bad vibes .. Please be positive not negative in mind, most believe in what you do not want something to happen.
The law interprets this way: if you say, I do not make fun of me, the law reads in this way, I want to make fun of me. I do not want accidents happen and you get hit by a car. The law does not follow the negation (NOT).
The law of humanity says that like attracts like, so when you think about often, they attract similar thoughts.
Your thoughts are magnetic or magnetized and are on a frequency. When your thoughts in activity, these are sent to the universe and magnetically attract other thoughts that are on the same frequency. If you want to change the way of your life, change your frequency, like, change the channel or to change your thoughts.
Your thoughts today is what you'll be in your future life. When you think more about something or you focus is what will manifest in your life sooner or later.
Everything you think, feel and want to materialize sooner or later, whenever you have no clear thoughts confused, if they never materialize what you want. Ever hear a song, but you recorded in your mind, and you keep hearing in your head, which is what happened, drew him.
Your thoughts become things. Your positive frequencies materialize what you want, and also what you do not want to go, what will happen, do not think what you do not happen to you, you are attracting negative, everything negative will happen to you or through but do not think your problems will attract more problems to your life (debts, unfortunately, overweight).
Love, love, love, emotion or feeling the world's largest. The law of nature. It is as impartial as the law of gravity or other laws. You can not attract or no experience in your life unless you want to invoke or pass through repetitive thoughts.
This is the key, to know you're thinking, ask yourself how you feel. The emotions that you are sitting or are valuable tools that instantly tell us we are thinking.
It can not happen at the same time feeling bad and having positive thoughts only one at a time.
Thoughts determine how often you are. When you're sick, you are in the frequency of attracting more negative things, and the opposite when you're good, you attract more positive things hard.
Your fond memories, those moments most desired, nature, your favorite music, are what help you can instantly change your feelings. Feelings of love is the highest frequency that can deliver the universe. When you feel more love, emit more your power.
There is a process to want and create or materialize.
To love, have faith, and receiving. You're fat, you can not lose weight, focus on the ideal weight do not be negative. How long does it take to receive up to you as you are focused on what you want, ask for $ 1 or 1 million, will be the same time, the law does not cost you one or the other. Create your day in advance, what you will do tomorrow, as you imagine it to be.
Because the law gives you all your desires. Begins to ask, with the smallest, then practice with the greatest. Practice it every hour or day will not miss your chance to love, have faith and receive. Calls to the universe what you want, the law will please your desire. First clarify what you want, have faith, feel, visualize your order, you as I would have.
To believe is to act, to proclaim, speak and think as if you had your wish, while you emit a frequency of receipt, the law moves the people to receive, as he will not hesitate, and lose your order, just in case you're wondering as does the light, you just use it, the law created.
Get involved as you feel when your desire to manifest. Feeling good now puts you in the frequency of what you want. Start with something small, find a place to park your car can be a problem every morning, while others find it easily, and you complain you will not have room, this is what is on your mind, the law does not interpret negations only positive is an easy way to experience the law. Make it hard to attract small.
Create your day in advance thinking about how you want it the next day before falling asleep, imagine it and delete the bad times you had rectified images and will create your life intentionally.
There is more blessed to give thanks that do not Gratitude.
Always be grateful for what you have and what you have to have or receive. Visualization. Always visualize what you ask, or what you want me to go, imagining in your mind.
The expectation or what you hope is a powerful force of attraction. Always expect the things you want and do not expect those who do not want.
Gratitude is a powerful process to change your energy. Thanks for what you already have and attract more good things. Thank in advance your wishes power load. Visualization is the process of creating mental images of yourself enjoying what you want and have as you imagined in your mind. At the end of the day, before sleeping, mentally re-live the bad times you had and imagine it as you would have to be or would have liked it to be.
Is more blessed to give than to receive
It attracts abundance, focus on prosperity, gives money to receive money.
To attract money, focus on wealth, rather than lack of money.
Use your imagination and pretend that we have the money they want is a useful tool.
Play to have wealth and feel better with money. Being happy is the quickest way to attract money into your life. In the Bible it says, gives more money to attract to your life.
When you are generous with money and feel good sharing, are saying: I have in abundance. Imagine you come check debt no debt do not wait. When you want to attract a relationship, make sure your thoughts, words, actions and environment does not contradict your desires. Treat yourself with love and respect and attract the people you love and respect.
Concentrate on the qualities you like about yourself, and the law will teach you more good things about you. To make a relationship work, focus on what you appreciate about the other person and not what you do not like. Always smile at life Laughter is the best cure for the disease, have thoughts of perfection, everything is curable.
Remember that a person was sick, or said he was sick, the doctor only gave him a crumb of bread in pill form, and was cured. All in the mind. When a patient truly believes that the pill will cure him, he receives what he believes and is cured.
Laughter attracts joy, releases negativity and produce miraculous cures. If you are not good or ill, do not talk about it, unless you want more discomfort.
To change your thoughts, your inner reclúyete and emits a new signal with your thoughts and feelings. Instead of focusing on the problems of the world, pay attention and energy on love, trust, wealth, education and peace. Praise and bless everything in this world and dissolve negativity and discord. Be aware of your thoughts.
Everything is energy. You are an energy magnet, you attract all things to come to you. You spirit. You are energy, and energy is neither created nor destroyed, only changes form.
The universe emerged from thought. We are the creators of fate, but the universe itself. We are all connected and we are all one. Forget about the difficulties of the past, cultural codes and social beliefs. All you do is feel good now.
The more you use your inner power, attract more power to you. Now is the time to embrace your power in illimitable. Do what you like.
If you do not know what it is, ask yourself: What makes me happy? . Now that you know the secret, the power is yours.
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